Sunday, February 04, 2007


I have found myself watching a lot of videos on the internet lately, and even though I will admit it's so lame and pathetic, I really have found videos that have made me laugh, hard! Take for instance on Youtube. This weekend, every conversation between me and my friends had atleast 20 quotes from a youtube video we watched. If you are curious, the youtube video was called "Shoes". If you have a weird sense of humor and if swearing doesn't offend you, I recommend it. But that also brings up another good point, youtube is not edited or censored. Swearing, vulgarity, and sexual content are some of the things you risk exposing yourself too. Getting a good laugh sometimes comes at a price, so before you look for videos you or watch a video recommended to you, you should probably know your limits. Just a word of advice.

The other thing about online videos is if you really want to enjoy them, you kind of need to let them come to you. Sometimes when you search for videos, you can find an entertaining one, but the best youtube moments you will have are the ones that just kinda fall into your lap. The two funniest videos I've ever seen are the ones that friends have recommended or quoted contiually. Take for instance another video called "Muffins". Alina has already posted this on her blog I think, but you really should watch it. This one is totally clean and makes me laugh so hard. But it also requires a good sense of humor for full enjoyment. But, like I said before, don't go looking for funny youtube videos, let them come to you. Youtube videos are like an easter egg hunt; it takes time to come upon a good one, but they are most enjoyable when you find them by suprise!

Boredom also helps make youtube way more fun. Like that boredom where you are so bored you could just stare at the wall and that would entertain you. The more bored you are, the funnier things seem. Watching youtube after 24 hours with no sleep also adds to the experience. And sometimes Youtube isn't even funny. It all depends on the atmosphere, your mood, and how delerious you are. So, now that you are totally prepared with a full supply of Youtube pointers and ettiquette, go try it out. But remember; know your limits, know your sense of humor, and know how bored and or tired you are. Youtube is a wonderful gift to human kind, just be sure you know how to make it enjoyable.

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