Sunday, January 07, 2007



I am green, the color of sea whose many secrets lie hidden beneath the crashing waves.

In life I seek adventure, but long to stay close to home.

I need approval, but still my freedom.

I want to live just for today.

I am forgiving, optimistic, and loyal.

However, I can be judgmental, controlling, and rebellious.

If I were a nation, I’d be Denmark.

It’s a silent struggle to be green.

I am green, the color of peace.


For those of you who aren't in Mr. Thompson's english class, this was poem that I wrote about the color of my personality. As you can tell, I am the color green. To determine my color I had to take like a survey/quiz thing that asked questions about how you respond to situations in life and how you really feel when nobody's around. At the end of the quiz, there were 4 different peronality colors. Red, Yellow, Blue, and White. Red was for the power hungry and and very determined people. Yellow means you like attention and are like carefree and popular. Blue are the caretakers and the ones with a good moral conscience who just want everyone to get along. And finally white are the ones who like peace and just like to chill and let other people take control.
So, how did I get green? Well, if you attended kindergarted, you know that blue and yellow make green, right? Well that's what I am. I am green. I am a very even mix of blue and yellow. This means that I love to be in the spotlight and I love to have fun and adventure, but I am also very guilt and worry proned and I tend to be the caretaker of the group. As a teenager, most of us would tend to atleast have a little yellow in us, but I think that the underlying color (blue in my case) is the color you will grow in to as an adult. Every teenager wants to have fun and find adventure, but when you are 40 years old, that probably won't be your top priority. In my case, being blue, I will probably find a job that involves caring for and being around people. Like a teacher or a person who works with wildlife. The yellow gives me the need for something exciting and social and different, and the blue makes me want to care for animals and kids. You also get your not-so-good traits from your different colors as well.
Let's start with the yellow. Yellows are loud and adventerous and fun loving. This can tend to make them obnoxious, rebellious, and sometimes irresponsible. Blues are caretakers and morally consience of what is wrong. These qualities sometimes cause blues to be self righteous, judgemental, controlling, and sometimes they let people walk all ove them. So, since I am green, I would say my bad qualities are I can be judgmental, obnoxious, rebellious and controlling. Being green a seek approval, acceptance (popularity), and I want to feel like I am actually doing good.
Writing this poem was actually really fun. It helped me find out a little more of who I was and it was cool being able to put that into poetry that people could understand.

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