Sunday, May 27, 2007

Teacher Face

As most of you know by now, Mr. Thompson (yes, the huge bald one) is my father. Everyday I go home after school and I see my english teacher typing up a blog in my computer room or getting ready for baseball practice with my little brother. Is it weird? No, suprisingly not. But since he so graciously made me the topic of his latest blog, I feel I should do the same for him. As the end of the year comes to a close, I feel you should all know a little bit about the real Mr. Thompson. The one who plays my dad.

Teacher Face. Does this need to be explained? Ok, then allow me to explain. The minute my dad walks into Fairfield, he puts on his teacher face. His dirty humor (which he has plenty of), his personal problems, and his relation to me all disappears behind his teacher face. He is no longer just my dad, he is Mr. Thompson. Sophisticated, intelligent, and all knowing. So, now that you know what Teacher Face is, let me tell you about the real MRT. Michael Robert Thompson. The man I have had to deal with everyday of my life.

My dad is intelligent. And yeah he is sophisticated, but don't let him fool you. I don't know about your parents, but my dad, who I love so much, has been known to let a few swear words fly from his "sophisticated, english teacher" mouth. Since he took the time to talk about my little swearing (abbreviated of course) I thought I would touch on his little habits. He is not a foul mouthed beast by any means, but he does swear. And it is funny. I don't care what you say and i don't care if curse words offend you, when my dad swears, it is the FUHING funniest thing. Whether it is out of pure frusteration or just a dirty joke, Mr. Thompson swearing will make you laugh. Too bad you guys will probaby never hear him let one slip. He is smart in the area of disgression and he knows when it is appropriate, and he knows that it is NOT at school. So, my dad should know where I get my abbreviated swearing habits from, I get them from him!

As for my so called "attitude", that is definately a Thompson trait I would say. He claims to be oblivious to his own attitude, but I'm sure if you asked anyone who knows my dad and I, they would say we are exactly the same in our sense of humor and personality. We laugh at dumb stuff and we laugh at stuff that would be considered vulgar. We are Thompsons, simple as that. Some of my ninth grade teachers have even told me that I am just like my father. Most of the time they say it when I am driving them NUTS! But that's just how I roll. And it's his fault I am burdened with such a strong willed and I guess what you could call "in your face" attitude. He is exactly the same way. You are all just fooled by Teacher Face. You think you know Mr. Thompson, but you have no idea. I hope that this blog has opened your eyes a bit. It's not as in depth as his was about me, but I am doing this blog at 11pm the night before it's due, cut me some slack. I guess I just didn't inherit my dad's strong work ethics. Oh well!! He can deal with it!

I love you DAD!!

Precious Ain't IT!!?!~

1 comment:

Joe said...

Hi Elizabeth that was a fine tribute to your father. I love him too. Joe Grandpa.